【打吡能量】四歲系列如箭在弦 Mr. X點睇打吡份子?
由6位賽馬名家(南華早報的Michael Cox,Singapore Racing Guide的Luke Middlebrook,香港賽馬會的David Morgan及Andrew Hawkins,競馬知舍的Nicklas Yip,及對香港賽馬極為熟悉的Mr. X(因某些原因未能披露姓名))炮製而成的「香港打吡能量排名」出爐接近一個月,四歲系列亦即將展開,今個星期我們請來Mr. X分享一下他今周的選擇及對每匹賽駒的簡評。
1. 時時精綵,依然是一匹適合跑打吡途程的佳駟。
2. 志趣相投,一鳴驚人。蔡約翰指牠沒有太強的瞬間爆發力,但亦因此而適合跑得更長,而此駒亦跑法機動及甚具質素。
3. 信心保證,已重新投入操練,如無意外應可為四歲系列賽作好準備。
4. 佳騰駒,極具級數,但需要在經典一哩賽跑出表現來證明其適應程度。
5. 星洲司令,跑法簡單直接,在跑馬地這條獨特的魔鬼賽道贏出漂亮的一仗,足以證明其成熟程度。貝湯美應希望以此駒為其打吡參戰馬。
6. 翠龍,蔡約翰正為這匹充滿潛質的賽駒作另類部署。
7. 當家精選,級數毋庸置疑,只擔心莫雷拉最後會否選擇策騎志趣相投或翠龍參戰。
8. 幸福分享,典型後上馬,可以預計將會跑得接近。
9. 中華盛世,仍在成長中,一月盃過後,再次證明如果牠能在經典盃前領,將會有不俗的表現。
10. 喜歡笑,預期表現將會更進一步。
11. 大籐王,高伯新為訓練此駒的長力,將不走經典一哩賽的路,而參戰第二班1,800米賽事。
12. 喜裝寶,持續進步,正為攀至打吡途程而努力,適應得不俗。
13. 紅衣優駿,今季已耗力甚多,總認為牠遲早會碰壁。
14. 火箭駒,上季尾表現出色,曾被視為極具潛質的打吡份子。雖然今季表現有落差,但其質素仍在。
1. Exultant. Still the Derby distance form horse.
2. Time To Celebrate. Surprise catapult. Size says he is a grinder, which means he could get the distance, plus he is tactical and has the rating.
3. Good Standing. Back in work so should be ok for the series so long as no further setback.
4. Ruthven. Classy but got to close well in the Mile to show he is on track.
5. Singapore Sling. Looks very straightforward, push-button type, very impressed with his HV win, showed enough maturity to win at the idiosyncratic track, that says something. Berry might wind up wishing he could ride this one.
6. Insayshable. Size is taking another route with him. Lotsa potential.
7. Nothingilikemore. Classy, but I wonder if Moreira chooses Time To Celebrate, Insayshable or Lockheed for the Derby.
8. Doctor Geoff. Gonna be thereabouts, should be ridden to close off.
9. The Golden Age. Still developing but with the January Cup out of the way, could be a on-pace factor in Classic Cup.
10. Cheerful Giggles. Expecting him to improve.
11. Rattan. Gibson training him to stay, taking C2 1,800m route, not Classic Mile.
12. Rivet. Improving. Being trained to get the Derby distance. Settling much better.
13. Morethanlucky. Think will hit a wall eventually; also fair bit of exertion already this season.
14. Rocketeer. Stocks have dropped considerably since last season, when he looked a potential contender, but still in ratings frame.